Monday, May 2, 2011

Wow. I don't know if I have the words to adequately explain what happened in to Alabama on Wednesday April 27, 2011. 

 An as yet undetermined number of tornadoes of as yet undetermined strength pulverized huge swaths of the state. Highly populated urban areas as well as entire small towns all over the state were wiped out. There was unfathomable destruction within 20 miles of us in every direction...but we never even lost power. I am SO grateful that I and all of my loved ones are safe, but I feel so much guilt as well. So many lives were lost. HUNDREDS.  So many more lost EVERYTHING. 

The pictures that follow are of debris we found in our yard that night and in the days following. Debris. Things that used to be someone's home. Now, just debris.

The first photo is my outdoor table covered with insulation, shingles, splintered wood, sheetrock, bits of siding, a drawer side (with nails), and part of a door.

What appears to be part of a child's door where their name was written.                                                      

 The third photo is a close up of painted bits of wall and a piece of old linoleum floor.

 Roof shingles of every color.

There is more. There are also photos, personal papers, and insignificant scraps that may have gained significance in their journey.  I'll post about that next.